Doctor Scripts: This is How to Get a Prescription Super-Fast in SA

A script from the doctor in 5 minutes flat – here’s how to get a prescription from a top SA doctor anytime, anywhere in the country.

Ophthalmologist's Department

Need a prescription or repeat prescription in South Africa?

Only a doctor can issue a prescription. But how long does that take? You have to make an appointment, drive out there and sit in the waiting room – it’s a huge waste of everyone’s time and money.

Not if you use Udok to get your doctor’s script in SA – with us, it takes only 5 minutes to see one of the top doctors in the country and have your legitimate script sent and waiting for you at your nearest pharmacy. Plus: Our doctors are up to 40% cheaper!

Here’s how to get a prescription in 5 minutes in South Africa…

Wait, Can’t You Get a Script Without Seeing a Doctor?

Unfortunately, no. Medicine is regulated in SA (in all countries of the world, in fact) and any medicine that’s Schedule 3 or higher needs a prescription issued by a doctor or GP.

The pharmacy will simply not give you any medication you don't have a script for. See how to get a prescription at Clicks.

The Problem with Getting a Script in SA

The problem is, sometimes you’re travelling, lose your medication or can’t get hold of your usual doctor for some reason, and then you can’t get a refill from the pharmacy.

That’s why we created a system where you can see one of the top doctors in SA via your phone/device and get an emergency prescription in a few minutes flat.

Good thing is it’s also 40% cheaper than seeing a doctor at their offices – here’s how it works…

How to Get a Prescription Fast in South Africa

You have 3 options to get a legitimate prescription in SA:

1. See a Doctor Right Now on Your Phone

The fastest and simplest way to get a legitimate script is to log in or sign up at the Udok app. Request to see a doctor, and you’ll be helped by one of the top doctors in SA in mere minutes.

It’s super simple, like WhatsApp – you can text-chat with the doctor or do a video call. Tell them why you need the script and what for, and they will automatically send it to your nearest pharmacy (of your choice), or forward you a copy to take to the pharmacy yourself.

See how to see a doctor in SA, fast.

2. See a Doctor At A Clicks Pharmacy

If you’re already at a Clicks Pharmacy or Clinic, the nurse can help you see a doctor immediately via their in-store device. Then the script will go straight to the dispensary and you can collect it on your way out. Easy!

See how to see a doctor at Clicks and how to get a prescription at Clicks.

3. See a Doctor with Your Medical Aid (No Co-Payment)

If you’re worried about cash, no problem – our doctor’s consultation costs are already 40% cheaper than anywhere else. But if you have medical aid, you could get the consult without having to make a co-payment.

Simply log onto the Udok app, request to see a doctor and select your payment method as “medical aid”.

See how to see a doctor on medical aid with no co-payment.

Important: This Service is For Legitimate Prescriptions Only

The Udok platform connects you to real, practising doctors in South Africa, so they’re professionals who won’t issue prescriptions to people who don’t have a genuine medical need for the medication.

Also see: How to find a great doctor near me and the best way to manage repeat prescriptions in SA.

The doctor will see you now

Save up to 40% on doctors' fees

Plus: No queues, no waiting, no travelling necessary. You can speak to one of the best doctors in South Africa right now, on your device – within 1 minute.

They can give you a prescription, sick note, advice & can even write referrals for lab tests – anything you need from the comfort of your home.

See a doctor now