How to See an Emergency Doctor Over the Holidays in South Africa

4 Easy steps, done in 5 minutes plus you save 40% on normal doctor’s fees – this is how to see an emergency doctor over the holidays in South Africa

Ophthalmologist's Department

The holiday season is a time for joy and celebration. But it can also bring unexpected health concerns – especially if you’re on holiday and far away from your family doctor.

Finding a good emergency doctor during this busy period can be tough. That's where Udok comes in – offering a swift, efficient solution for South Africans on holiday in need of urgent medical attention.

Emergency GP Appointments in Minutes

During the holidays, immediate access to a General Practitioner (GP) can be crucial. With the Udok app, you're just a few taps away from professional medical advice and care.

In just 4 steps that take about 5 minutes, you can see a doctor remotely, via any device from anywhere in South Africa. It’s the best, fastest and cheapest way to see a GP in an emergency while you’re on holiday. Also see how to get a prescription in SA.

4 Steps to See an Emergency Doctor Over the Holidays in South Africa

Step 1: Open the Udok App

First things first, head over to the Udok App. Here, you can either register for a new account or log in if you're already registered (in which case, skip straight to step 4). The process is straightforward and user-friendly.

Step 2: Verify your email address

Security is key. Once you register, we’ll send you a verification email that you just need to click to verify your email address. This ensures secure and reliable communication between you and the Udok team.

Step 3: Enter your basic personal information

To provide you with the best care, Udok requires some basic personal information. (Don’t worry, it’s just a few questions, very quick to complete.) This helps us personalise your consultation and address your needs accurately.

Step 4: Request a consultation

Finally, request a consultation. The process is unbelievably quick; one of our doctors will see you in minutes.

How much does it cost?

The entire process is remarkably efficient, taking about 5 minutes – much faster than driving to a clinic or hospital. And the cost? Just R348. That's 40% cheaper than the average private medical consultation in South Africa. Learn more about how much online doctor consultations cost.

PS: Did you know you can now see a Udok doctor on medical aid and no co-payment?

Meet our awesome doctors

Our team comprises highly qualified and experienced doctors. Feel free to explore their profiles and specialities on the Doctors near me page. Rest assured, you're in good hands.

Also see how to get an emergency prescription over the holidays.

The doctor will see you now

Save up to 40% on doctors' fees

Plus: No queues, no waiting, no travelling necessary. You can speak to one of the best doctors in South Africa right now, on your device – within 1 minute.

They can give you a prescription, sick note, advice & can even write referrals for lab tests – anything you need from the comfort of your home.

See a doctor now