About GP Dr Farha Cassim in Cape Town, her passions, patient care, specialisations, contact details, plus: how to book a consultation right now

Serving with passion, kindness and a genuine love of people. Dr Farha Cassim is a Stellenbosch University Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery qualified GP doctor in Cape Town who practices exclusively via online consultations.

Known as a calm, friendly and approachable doctor, patients of Dr Cassim truly enjoy her pleasant and warm nature – including all her neighbours, because they know they can consult with her virtually without even having to leave the house. 

And the best part is that you can book an appointment with Dr Farha Cassim from anywhere in South Africa, too.

"Hi, I am a young Doctor who graduated in 2017 from the University of Stellenbosch. I have broad medical experience through working in many tertiary as well as primary care facilities –I even worked for the military for some time. Besides an interest in general medicine I have also worked extensively in community engagement projects around HIV research. I am currently pursuing further qualifications in dermatology and aesthetic medicine. I look forward to helping you be your healthiest self!"

What inspired you to pursue a career in medicine?

My inspiration to pursue medicine came from a combination of academic interest in how the body works and a people-loving personality. I think it truly is remarkable to find a career that suits your personality traits in terms of being kind, friendly and compassionate towards others whilst also being able to offer them a service based on the knowledge that you have gathered over the years. 

Serving with passion and kindness, particularly to those who are ill and feeling vulnerable, is a rare coupling that can only be found in a few doctors. 

What areas of your speciality are you most passionate about?

When I started medical school I was intent on pursuing surgery, but as the years of clinical studies progressed, I developed interests in neuropsychiatry, paediatrics, infectious diseases and then dermatology. 

After years of exploration, I realised that my interests were broad and that I would be best suited as a general medical practitioner [GP]. 

What do you believe is the most rewarding aspect of being a doctor?

The most rewarding aspect of being a Doctor is knowing that you will probably be there on the best, worst and everything in between days and moments of your patients' lives – but that your care, kindness and knowledge can help them through it all. 

How would you describe your approach to patient care and communication?

I am quite friendly and approachable by nature and I like to think this puts patients at ease. I always aim to respond with kindness and a non-judgmental attitude in order to offer my patients support and advice that can help guide their healthcare decisions. 

How do you tailor your treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each patient?

I like to think of consultations as a friendly chat whereby I offer advice and treatment modalities whilst also listening to what the patient's needs and desires are. I always like to take the patient's opinions into consideration where possible when creating treatment plans. The best treatment plan is the one the patient is wholeheartedly invested in!

How do you make the healthcare experience more comfortable for patients who may have anxiety or fear related to medical visits?

By nature, I have a calm disposition and I always believe in smiling at my patients and greeting them warmly, so as to break the tension. With experience you tend to catch on quickly to nervous patients and often starting simple conversations or making them laugh is enough to facilitate things more easily. 

I also think it's very important to inform these patients before doing any kind of examination or to take extra time to explain treatment options and protocols to them.

Can you share a patient success story that was particularly memorable for you?

Small wins are encountered daily in medical practice, which is what makes the job so rewarding. But I will not forget a patient who had consulted over numerous months regarding her infertility and the moment she sent me a message with her sonogram attached – that was truly a proud and precious moment in someone’s life to be a part of. 

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in your field?

The medical field is always changing – rather rapidly in fact. I usually browse through articles published or medical guidelines to enhance my patient care. With healthcare becoming so mainstream, there are often buzzwords you gather every now and then, like the Ozempic craze, and then I make sure to read up on those topics and stay well informed thereof. It always helps to have a chat with colleagues as well and share information in this way.

What do you believe sets your practice apart from others in your area?

In my area, I think thus far I am the only GP that practices virtually – a lot of the neighbourhood loves this idea, as they know it’s convenient and cost-effective for them as well. 

What's your philosophy on preventive care, and how do you work with patients to achieve it?

Education – the more a person knows, the better informed their decision-making process is. I think it’s fundamental to all healthcare to make sure that when a patient has left your consultation, not only has the issue with which they presented been taken care of but that you have also given them valuable guidance and basic healthcare information that they can carry through on their healthcare journey. 

What resources do you recommend to your patients who want to take a more active role in their health?

While all Doctors dread patients doing Google searches, I will often guide them towards links that are pertaining to their health and offer factual evidence as well as support. I think sometimes Googling, but taking information with a pinch of salt as you Google can help patients feel less alone and realise that their embarrassing or all-encompassing medical dilemma is being experienced by thousands of others out there and that they too will overcome.

How do you ensure a collaborative approach when working with other medical professionals on a patient's care?

I accept wholeheartedly that I do not know everything nor will there ever come a time that I know everything. Once this idea is realised, I think it becomes easy to recognise that it's OK to ask others for opinions – be it fellow colleagues, specialists or even other healthcare workers.

With technology being so widespread these days I have often just looked up practitioners who offer the service or care I am seeking on behalf of my patient and will give them a call or email seeking advice, assistance or even book an appointment directly for the patient. 

Apart from your profession, what hobbies or interests do you pursue?

Lifelong learning and exploration have always been something that I have pursued which is probably why I fit so well into the world of medicine. 

Outside of medical practice, I have a wide variety of interests – I have travelled to almost every major city or destination and can converse in at least 6 languages. I also love to cook, but baking is where I truly shine as I am a qualified pastry chef. I enjoy calligraphy and watercolour painting (albeit I don’t think I am particularly good at this hobby). 

Can you share an example of a medical misconception you often encounter and correct for your patients?

[The misconception] that taking a pill as pre or post-exposure prophylaxis [PREP] to prevent HIV transmission is a quick fix and an easy process meaning they are free to engage in risky sexual behaviour. 

PEP or PREP is a challenging process that lasts a minimum of 28 days and the side effects often experienced from the medication are truly awful. It's a nerve-wracking experience and should always be a last resort. It truly is always wiser to avoid risky sexual encounters rather than undergo this process. 

How do you feel about AI in healthcare?

I think AI can play a role in streamlining a consultation and making it easier administrative-wise for doctors to consult, but ultimately I don’t think it will ever be able to truly replace a doctor's care and expertise.

Learn how to see an emergency doctor over the holidays and get an emergency prescription over the holidays.


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MBChB (Stellenbosch University, 2017)

Additional Qualifications

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Services Offered

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Online/virtual General medical consultations, anywhere in South Africa.

Sick Notes if you need to be booked off.

Digital Medical Records (access any time on your phone/device).

Pharmaceutical Prescriptions in minutes.

Lab & Pathology Referrals in minutes.

Referrals in minutes.

Special Interests

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Have Additional Questions?

081 595 9317

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